Greetings everyone and welcome to today's edition of ...
Learn and Grow With Jesus EVERYDAY.
Today's Topic is: Love and Justice
Date: Monday, January 25, 2021
Bible Reading: Luke 11: 37-42 NKJV
When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal. Then the Lord said to him, “Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you. “Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue, and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone. Luke 11:37-42 NKJV
Discussion Question: Am I living a fake life?
Our world today is full of people who on the outside look fabulous and classy, but on the inside are battered, broke, and wretched. Hypocrisy, pretense, and falsehood are so rampant, commonplace and acceptable in our society that people go out of their way and make extraordinary efforts to keep up appearances. The sad effect of this fake life is evident in numerous missed opportunities to obtain the help and assistance we desperately need to rise to our next level of success in life.

Why can't we be authentic in the way we live our lives?
Projecting an inaccurate depiction of who we are has the potential to alter other peoples perception, thinking and behavior towards us. It could make them engage in ungodly, destructive and outright illegal behavior towards us. Many post an avalanche of lies on social media, comprising of well scripted, choreographed and made up version of themselves; and many gullible minds buy into it and wreck their lives. No posting on social media is worth our happiness, our feelings of contentment and fulfillment. The key here is to guard our gates and be true to ourselves. That means being careful about what we expose ourselves to through our ears and eyes. Discipline, contentment, being true to ourselves and believing God has provided all we need to succeed in life will go a long way to helping us live fulfilled lives.
I recall my experience as a freshman realtor many years ago. I worked for one of the franchises of Century 21 Real Estate firm in Massachusetts. It was a quiet afternoon and nothing much was happening in the office. As I was browsing through the Multiple Listing Service for homes in my area, a call came in on my line. The caller told me that she found a home she wanted to buy and would like to stop by my office to start the process. I inquired about the home address so I could look it up and get more information on the property prior to her arrival at the office. When I looked up the home, it was a multi-family home with an asking price of $750K. Those were the days a $200K property was considered outrageous.
Half an hour later, she arrived with her husband. They asked for me and came around to my desk. When she introduced herself, I just couldn't believe my eyes. They didn't look like they could afford a $100K home much less a $750K property. In my heart, I had serious doubts about their financial capability until they pulled out their checkbook. Not only did they buy the property, they also declined mortgage assistance and paid cash for it. Six weeks later, they returned and purchased another property of $925K cash. Needless to say, I was blown away and that experience underscored the fact that of the truth, looks can be very deceiving. If I hadn't treated them with high dignity and respect even though I had my doubts, I would have missed out on very delicious sales commissions, repeat business, and referrals.
Most people who are very loaded rarely ever dress to impress. Fact is, they have no point to prove and are more preoccupied with business leads and opportunities. Most others fake it with the hope of making it before their cover is blown. Imagine arriving with a Mercedes Benz to ask for financial assistance from someone who arrived in a KIA. The person will genuinely think you are joking and would not take you seriously but meanwhile, your life depends on that loan. Your dishonest appearance will cost you the opportunity.
Jesus is teaching us today what is written in Micah 6:8, "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you. But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God". To prioritize internal purity and motives over external swag. To display humility towards others and eschew hypocrisy, falsehoods, and pretenses. To seek justice and love God with all our hearts. To help those who are poor and less privileged without expecting anything back. To live truthfully, and honestly with one another. To desist from intentionally setting traps for our fellow men to fall into so we can condemn, embarrass and humiliate them. To be more concerned about washing and cleansing our hearts than our hands before God and our fellow men.
Many are still blaming God today for the poor choices and decisions they made yesteryear. Repent and ask God for mercy that He may restore to you the years and missed opportunities. God is faithful and He will do it if you ASK.
Stay uplifted in Christ always and live Cheerfully every day.
Leader Chinedu Nicholas Obodo for EXOLOM Fellowship. Find us at